Wah...this blog kena complain by "freelancewriter".
this out.
Don't lah like this...I am fake also mah....help a brother here can?
Eh, freelancewriter, can let me know which are the "several publications" you work for ar? I want to work for them as well...maybe get a proper name card instead of some funny blogsites.
And yeah, I am jealous of you, because you guys can go to all these events and I can't. We sama-sama fake why the PRs let you in but they don't let me in ar? You mention the big boss' name is it?
Like I said, we are friend mah, I am not publishing lies and nonsense. If you die, I die also. We are fake mah...
I didn't know we have a career and reputation! You guys really take this fake thing far eh... I was in just for the food, lucky draw and door gifts....What career? And reputation? What is that? You need it to demand door gift from the Maxis iPhone 3G launch that day? Oh yeah, I saw you guys doing that, I didn't, because I scared they don't even allow me to makan the food there.
Oh yeah, can ask your friend Stephen, AKA Vande Stories, to brush up his english before he comment here ar? I don't understand a SINGLE word. Maybe his keyboard rosak lah, that's why got typo...